My Many Interests

One of the blessings of ADD is that I seem to have so many interests, and those interests are constantly changing. I am rarely bored, and can always find activities to keep me occupied (aside from my daily responsibilities). If I could have a superpower, it would be that I would never need sleep. There are too many interesting things in the world to discover and learn. So here is my blog about all those little things that seem to randomly cross my mind.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Barium Swallow

Okay, I'm not at all interested in this, but I had to get a barium swallow a year ago. First they made me swallow these little dry pellets that expanded my throat. It was like swallowing dry lemon-lime soda. The bad thing about it was that I couldn't burp. They told me if I burped, I'd have to come back and do the test all over again. It was horrible. But the worst part was when they made me drink this barium stuff. It was a white thick substance that makes me want to throw up, just thinking about it. I had to lay down on this machine that turned me around (so the barium could coat my stomach lining). Okay--no burping allowed (after drinking dry carbonation), drink this milky white substance, and we'll turn you around on this machine. Fun, huh? After about 5 minutes, I think I burped a new record for myself--good thing they had seen enough--I didn't have to come back.

All for what? Well, I didn't have ulcers. Six months later I was in the hospital having surgery to have my gall bladder removed.

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